14 February, 2008

Gone with the Wind

When I started a blog, I intended to be a regular blogger and I even had dreams of being a famous writer through my blogs. But then amidst the hustle and bustle of my daily life as a "dedicated" house wife or in current terms, home maker, I didn't actually get enough time to fulfill my intentions.

I have always wanted to be a writer, that too a famous one. I do have lots of ideas, but the problem is that I am not getting the flow. I think I have some sort of a writer's block. Some people say that writer's block can be overcome by standing upside down. How the hell can I think about what to write when I can't even breath properly.

Anyways today I felt a little bit refreshed when I thought about writing. I think what ever block I had has gone away for better or for worse.. So here I am ............................


Anonymous said...

Welcome back to the blogosphere Mily :-)

I having a block myself. I havent written anything, other than linking to interesting news, in months.

I have read somewhere that to overcome the blog, you just need to write whatever comes to your mind. Dont post it immediately but keep it in draft. Later try to improve on it or if you feel like it, post the entry. If not, keep it in draft again and write another.

I haven't tried this method, but you could try if you are interested.

Anyways glad to see back.

Anonymous said...

pradeep's method sounds good- will work. write write write & write,then u will be unstoppable.
one more tip-dont worry about the language-very often the alien tongue cannot represent out naadan sensibilities-so dismantle the language if u have to-never compromise ur sensibilities for language