24 July, 2008

From what To what!! The real train of thoughts?

Everyone has dear ones in their lives, like father or mother or sibling or spouse or friend or some one like that. Even I have many people who are dear to me. And believe it or not, even some of my foes are dear to me. It always confuses me when I try to find a reason why they are dear to me. At least once in a day I think about that. Still I haven't found an answer. I think of such things when I am in the kitchen or in the garden. And sometimes I think of these things while I go for rides with my husband, R. He loves to drive, be it a car or a bike. So while he is enjoying the drive I let loose my train of thoughts. And if I am not thinking and confusing myself I look around myself and analyze the the things that are happening around me. If that is also not happening I sleep.

Sleep...... Sleep is the greatest blessing to man. Its the most precious natural phenomenon. We may have hundreds of problems and according to me half of them can be solved by sleeping off. And above all I love to sleep. I can sleep in many ways, with my eyes open or closed, while sitting or standing or lying down etc etc. I love all these types of sleeping. But one of my favorite sleeping is when I am traveling. While I was studying for my MBA I had a total of two hour traveling in a day. The only disturbances in my sleep during those times were the ticket checkers and the well conditioned roads of Kerala. What is transportation through our roads without sudden brakes?

Even though the traveling at those times were tedious I liked the transport minister of Kerala during that time, B. Ganesh Kumar. May be it was because he was young and had unconventional methods to impart progress in the transport department. May be it was because he was full of sense as much as he was full of non-sense. May be it was because he was a film actor, and his face was familiar as a result. Of course he was not a lead actor, but a supporting actor. But the truth is that I always notice the supporting actors more than the lead actors. Most of them are both good looking and better actors than many of the lead actors, at least here in Malayalam film industry. But they seem to lack something, may be luck.

No! Don't ask me if I am lucky or whether I have luck. I am just not interested in listing out all the incidents in my life so that myself or you my dear reader is able to analyze whether I have luck or not. If I do so, I will get irritated, then angry, then loony and then may be my heart will just stop beating. And then....... I will die. I hate dying or rather I am scared of dying. I think it will be terrifying to close your eyes one last time with the realization that what you see at that time is the very last of what you get to see in this world. It will be terrifying, I am sure.

Some people are called terrorists because they have demonstrated the extent of terror death or near to death causalities can cause. One such terrorist is Osama Bin Muhammed Bin Laden. He is smart. If not how could he own the whole world. the world consists of people who love him, hate him or is interested to know more about him. See how he is still fooling so much people all around the world in spite of the intensive search to arrest him and produce him before the International court of justice.

Oh Crap!!!! Why should I bother while I have my dear ones and I am dear to at least some of them.

23 July, 2008

Life and hope

Sometimes when I think my life is being unjust to me, God shows a sign to let me know that he sees me through a corner of his eyes if not directly and fully. Every time when I am down something good happens and it brings a ray of hope and then I think life is not as bad as I think it is to be.

I may sound silly if I say one such issue is the tug of war between me and my husband regarding our PC. He is always busy working on it and when I feel like typing up something it’s engaged. For the past few weeks I have been feeling very low about this situation and today morning I was on the verge of asking him to buy me another PC and it would have sounded childish. But then his head office rang him up and told him that they have decided to give him a laptop as a token of appreciation of his good work. Isn’t it a good sign for me? I think yes it is good.

The above said instance may be a small one. But these sorts of solutions come up to almost all of my problems irrespective of the intensity of the issues. Dear friend, if you are person who knows me personally and well enough to understand me, you may think I am in a good mood today. Yes, I am and I hate to be in a bad mood on any given day.

Who doesn’t have problems in their lives? It’s just that nobody has the time to raise their heads from their own problems, so that they can look around to see what others are going through. Some does not want to see their surroundings, to keep themselves as the centre of their own worlds. But through the different experiences in my life I have learnt to live my life to the fullest, come what may.

A year back I was worried like hell when my husband had a lymph node infection. He had to take medicines for about nine months before he was hundred percent cured. But now I know someone my age whose husband has been diagnosed with sarcoma in the lungs. So I am lucky, am I not? This is just one instance. I can find similar comparisons for each problem of mine.

So I just want everyone to raise their heads and look around. Then only we can view our problems in a wider perspective and that will help us to realize that the solutions to all our problems lie within ourselves and we just need to identify them and many a times we may even be able to help others too.

09 July, 2008

N-Deal? Who?

For the past so many weeks the front pages of almost all the newspapers are filled with news regarding India's signing the Nuclear Deal. Many political parties are supporting it and some are opposing it. Some say its good for the country and some say it will be a mistake if we sign it. So in short we have a prime minister who is running around with a pen ready to put his precious signature and on the other side the whole bunch of politicians on a constant debate about this N-deal. Then finally yesterday the left (in layman's words, the communists) withdrew their support for the congress led government..... wait wait,.. I see you are astonished, yes communist parties withdrew their support to the congress parties in the parliament. But the UPA convinced the SP (Samajwadi Party) to support the N deal in the parliament and the tug of war continues.

At this stage let me ask you a simple question, Why is there a government in any country? To rule the country or in case of democratic nations like ours to lead the country. I think I am right. What makes a country? Is it just the geographic boundaries and the government? I think no. So to make a country we need the most important element the population. So what is this government doing for the population or in other words the "AAM JANATA". Again I will be right if I say nothing.

All the while they have been running after the N-deal the country's economy was going totally in the wrong way. That is DOWN. Even now the fact that the Inflation rate is in the 11-12 range and last year it was in 4-5 range does not mean a thing for the government. I know why. They don't, I mean not one of them, have to worry about day to day life. They get to eat, sleep and lead a leisurely life on the money squeezed from almost all the tax paying Indians.

So what if the majority of the population is turning even their last drop of blood to sweat to earn a decent living. And above all I don't know why the hell I am writing about these issues when neither I nor you can do anything about it unless all of us Indians stand together and raise our voices for our rights. For that all of us have to fulfill our duties and its nearly impossible since its a proven fact that unity is not possible in diversity (remember what we studied in school 'unity in diversity'), and that is something that our politicians and the politicians of other nations know.

I am sorry but I am just another voice in the tower of Babel.

(to be continued.. some day.. if I feel like it..)